Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have a blog. Look at that.

And it's waffle-themed.

So that's awesome.

Anyway here are some facts about myself before we get started:

I can mimic just about any accent.
I have never been seasick.
I eat popcorn like a gerbil.
I'm a published photographer. Not many people know that, interestingly enough.
I want to be an author when I grow up.
I won't sleep with the closet door open. (Thanks a lot, Stephen King)
I am a Browncoat.
I am a Trekkie.
I am a Whovian.
I am a ...Star Wars-ian?
I can't read WebMD anymore, because I'm convinced I have multiple luposclerosisabetes.
I have had 2 paranormal experiences in my life that have (so far) no rational "normal" explanation.
I do like waffles, but not as much as one would assume, given that I started a waffle-blog.
I actually am very fond of crumpets.
I started doing genealogical research recently, and discovered that I may be related to Charlemagne.
I also discovered that one of my many-greats grandmothers went insane, killed one of her daughters and was hanged for murder.
So that's awesome.
(Not really. It's actually very tragic.)
I own a Pomapoo who has been featured in the Fluffington Post.
I worked at a Renaissance Festival for two years right after high school.
I also used to dress up like a pioneer girl on weekends.
No not just for fun, it was a volunteer thing.
I am afraid of roaches.
And multiple luposclerosisabetes.
I participate in zombie walks whenever possible.
I have lived in six different states.

I may discuss any of these things in my blog.
Or maybe none of them.
Maybe I'll get bored and post photos of kittens with grammar deficiencies.
Won't that be fun?

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